Sunday, October 13, 2013


Parker Mott. " Angela’s Ashes – An urn of middling ashes." The Final Take with Parker Mott. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Oct. 2013.
"Republicans gather for Dolours Price Funeral ." Breaking N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Oct. 2013.
"Underwriting Guidelines: Alcoholism is Not a Barrier to Life Insurance | Life Insurance Canada." Life Insurance Canada. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Oct. 2013.
"Who Keeps Leaving 35-Pound Bags of Vomit Outside Bed Bath & Beyond?." Gizmodo - Tech By Design. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Oct. 2013.
"川崎病有哪些症状? - 川崎病百科." 川崎病百科. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Oct. 2013.
"Irish Oak (Irish Steam merchant) - Ships hit by German U-boats during WWII -" The U-boat Wars 1939-1945 (Kriegsmarine) and 1914-1918 (Kaiserliche Marine) and Allied Warships of WWII - N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Oct. 2013. <
"If I were a Baker | Bud Meyers." Bud Meyers. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Oct. 2013.
"Beauty or beast? - Health - MSN Healthy Living." MSN Healthy Living - Tools to Empower Your Best Health. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Oct. 2013. <>.


Frank McCourt's birth is the spawn of almost all of the problems in the book. This is due to the fact that his birth was an accident that forced two people, Angela and Malochy, Franks mother and father respectively to marry one another. To make matters worse though they barely take care of one child they have seven more. After the eighth child Angela, Frank's mother, Decides that she'll have "no more children."
*Quote from page 216 from Angela's Ashes by Frank McCourt.
Dolours Price's coffin is carried by her two sons Danny and Oscar at front and her ex-partner, actor Stephen Rea (rear right).

A major issue that is very prevalent at the beginning of the book is death. specifically the death of Frank's siblings. Margaret, and the twins, Oliver and Eugene. This leads Frank's father, Malochy to delve deeper in his alcoholism. An example of this is when Margaret is dying, Frank's father "has that whiskey smell" on him as they arrive at the hospital.
*Quote found on page 36 in Angela's Ashes by Frank McCourt.
A dependence on alcohol does not have to bar you or your family from the benefits of life insurance.


Throughout the book one of the reoccurring problems is Frank's fathers alcoholism. This leads to the family being much poorer than they normally would as Frank's father spends the money he earns working to fuel his addiction.

Frank had just come home from his first communion and after eating breakfast threw up his first communion breakfast. This was especially frightful for Frank as he thought "god was in her backyard," her being Franks grandmother. This also led to a fight erupting between Franks father and his grandmother as Franks dad just wanted to wash it away however Franks grandmother felt that would be blasphemous.
* quote found on page 129 in Angela's Ashes by Frank McCourt


Frank catches typhoid fever and meets Patricia a young girl that introduces Frank to Shakespeare. Frank loves the passage so much he says, "its like having jewels in my mouth." This is Frank's first real taste of literature and it leads hi to having a deep love of literature.
* Quote found on page 196 of Angela's Ashes by Frank McCourt


At one point in the book Frank forgets to empty out Laman's chamber pot and gets beaten by Laman. In response to this Frank leaves the house to go live with his uncle Ab Sheehan. While there his uncle has decided not to feed him, so Frank steals a loaf of bread to feed him and his siblings as, "if you commit one sin you might as well commit a few more because you get the same sentence in hell.
Beauty or beast? -- Wrinkle slapping


In this final scene the day before Frank turns 16 he goes out to the pub with Pa Keating. After becoming extremely intoxicated he goes home where he confronts her affair with Laman Griffin.  The conversation escalates and Frank loses control and "I slap her on the cheek so that key so tears jump in her eyes."  This action leads his to question his faith at great lengths; Finally a kind priest confronts Frank and tells him that god has forgiven him for his sins, and that he now needs to forgive himself.
*Quote found on page 341 of Angela's Ashes by Frank McCourt


Frank finally earns enough money to take a boat to America when Mrs. Finucane, one of the clients he delivered mail to, died and he stole her money. His decision to move to America was not originally very well received from his family, however they later come to terms with his going away and throw him a going away party. When asked by the wireless officer, "Isn't this a great country" Frank responds, "tis."
*Quotations found on pages 362 and 363 in Angela's Ashes by Frank McCourt.